Information on Privacy

This information form has been drawn up within the terms of article 13 of Italian legislative decree no. 196/2003 – code concerning the protection of personal data of all those who interact with the web services of Luna Blu s.n.c. of Jorio Valentina and Sandrone Claudio accessible by telematic means from the website

This information only applies to the above-mentioned website, and not to any other websites that may be consulted by the user by means of links.

  1. The ownership of any data processed
    Following consultation of this website, data may be processed regarding identified or identifiable persons. The owner of this processed data is Luna Blu s.n.c., of Jorio Valentina and Sandrone Claudio – via Fraiteve 14 – 10056 Oulx (To) – P.IVA 09250560019.
  2. Place of data processing-
    All the data connected with the services of this website is processed at the above-mentioned head office, and solely by staff responsible for processing, or with any occasional responsibilities for maintenance operations.
  3. Aims of data processing
    No data obtained from web services may be communicated or diffused. The personal data supplied by users that register, make advance reservations or send requests to be sent informational material (newsletters, etc.), is only used to provide the service required, and is only communicated to third parties in the event that it is necessary to do so.
    Personal data provided by users who register, in particular their name and surname, and their area of origin and e-mail address, is automatically inserted in the mailing list.
    All data is collected and processed for the following aims:
    – sending informational or promotional material;
    – sending newsletter;
    – giving assistence and information;
    – statistical analysis, anonymously, for the aim of marketing.
  4. Types of data processed
    The information systems and software procedures used for the functioning of this website acquire some personal data during the normal course of use, whose transmission is implicit in the use of the protocols communicated on the internet. This data is used for the sole aim of obtaining statistical information on the use of the site, in order to check its correct operation, and is cancelled immediately after the operation concerned.
    The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of addresses by electronic mail, as well as inscription for the newsletter for this site, entail the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, besides any other personal data inserted in the message which may be necessary for replying to requests.
  5. Optional provision of data
    Beginning with what is specified concerning the data for navigation, the user is free to supply personal data as set out in the request forms, or as indicated in contacts with Luna Blu s.n.c. of Jorio Valentina and Sandrone Claudio, to request the sending of informative material or other communications. The absence of a reply may signify the impossibility of obtaining what has been requested.
  6. Methods for processing
    Personal data is only processed by automatic instruments for the time strictly necessary and consequent for the scope for which it has been collected. Data will only be treated in the commercial offices by responsible staff from the company, or by assistant operators.
  7. Rights of interested parties
    The subjects to whom personal data refers have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of this same data, and to know its contents and origins, verify its exactness, or request its amendment, updating or rectification (as set out in article 7 of Italian legislative decree no. 196/2003).
    Within the terms of this article, they also have the right to ask for its cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form, or to block its transmission if in violation of the law, as well as to oppose, for any legitimate motives, its processing.
    Such requests must be sent to the physical address of the owners, or by e-mail to